If you cannot complete the form on-line, try clearing your browser's buffer and reloading, or request a copy by e-mail.

Be sure to fill in any field listed as required. A "mailto" error may otherwise result.

If the form is successfully submitted, you will automatically return to the main menu. WWW journalists survey We appreciate your taking time to share your thoughts and experiences in a way that may help colleagues create better on-line publications. This survey has been designed to take less than 4 minutes and may be completed on-line.


                   GENERAL INFORMATION






    How long  less than 6 months   12 to 18 months

     on-line  6 to 12 months       Longer


   How often  Daily                Weekly

      issued  Semi-weekly          Monthly


   How often  Hourly               Between cycles

     updated  Several times daily  Not updated




        Hits  per day


Actual users  per day


Use estimate  Actual log-ins       Index hits

    based on  Optional registry    Total hits


 Print circ.  per issue


Change since  Print circ. down     Unchanged

     on-line  Print circ. up       Not applicable


    Related?  Yes, probably        No, probably not


    How many % of on-line readers

  read both? % of paper readers




     On-line  None                Flat rate

   user fee?  Per hour            Bundled


      Amount  for typical month's use


 If bundled,  Free if subscribe   Add-on to sub.

   with what  Free with Internet  Add-on to 'Net


Other source  On-line ads         Both

  of revenue  Internet services   Neither




     Ad rate  for smallest monthly ad


 Ads link to  Your server         Customer server


                    MARKET STRATEGY


                          MORE                  MORE

                       IMPORTANT   EQUALLY   IMPORTANT

                        ON-LINE   IMPORTANT   IN PRINT 

How would you rank    

the relative           Very   Some-          Some-  Very 

importance of...       much   what           what   much 

Advertising sales                           

Subscription/use fees                       

Long-term subscription                      

Single-copy/use sales                       




      Server  Your company        University

 operated by  Internet provider   Other contractor


     Are you  Hits                Space used

  billed for  Bytes transferred   % of revenue

              Not applicable 




  Publication  journalists,  others 


 On-line only  journalists,  others 


Added for WWW  journalists,  others 


                       YOUR ROLE










   Best time 


Thank you most sincerely for your thoughtful responses.

Optional, open-ended questions follow. If you have time, 

please complete them. Otherwise, skip to the end 

and to record your answers.




What efforts are made to link your Web product and your 

base product? Do you, for example, tease from base to 

Web or vice versa?


What strategies are you employing to keep Web readers 

coming back daily? Do you, for example, offer e-mail 

highlights teasing to Web?


Have you considered using auto-mail "infobots" to 

function much as audiotext does?


How did you decide on your on-line subscription and ad 

rates, if any?


If you do not now charge for access, do you plan to? 

When? How with access be priced?


If you do not now sell on-line ads, do you plan to? 

When? How will they be priced?


What reader reactions have you had? With whom is WWW 

most popular?


Do WWW readers seem to be new readers or existing 

readers? What evidence have you noted?


Do WWW converts read the printed version more, less or

equally often now?


Are these impressions based on research or anecdote? If 

research, could you send us a copy or summarize? 


What difficulties have you faced in publishing your WWW 



What advantages have you found in publishing your WWW 



Would you recommend that others do it? Why or why not?


What one thing do you wish someone had told you before 

you started?


What topic regarding WWW publishing is most in need of 



Is there anything you wish to add?


Thank you again for taking time to complete this survey.

After your answers are recorded, you will have the

opportunity to participate in a parallel survey of 

readers of on-line publications. Your participation

would enable us to compare journalists' opinions to 

non-journalists' opinions. We invite you to examine

the questions and hope you have time to answer them.